Please find below a variety of helpful research articles for the congenital adrenal hyperplasia community

Anastasios Chatziaggelou (1), Evangelos G. Sakkas (2), Raffaella Votino (2), Maria Papagianni (3) and George Mastorakos (2*)

Diala El Maouche, Wiebke Arlt, Deborah P. Merke

Hedi L Claahsen-van der Grinten (1), Nike Stikkelbroeck (2), Henrik Falhammar (3,4) and Nicole Reisch (5)

Deborah P. Merke, M.D., and Richard J. Auchus, M.D., Ph.D.

Mariska A. M. Schroder, (1,2), Antonius E van Herwaarden (2), Paul N. Span (3), Gianni Bocca (5), Sabine E. Hannema (6,7) …

Adam Omary (1), Noor Khalifeh (1), Devyn L. Cotter (1,2), Mimi S. Kim (3), Farzana Choudhury (1), Hedyeh Ahmadi (1), Mitchell E. Geffner (3), and Megan M. Herting (1)

Marianne Jacob (1), Karen Lin-Su (2), Corinne Catarozoli (3), Charlene Thomas (4), Dix Poppas (5), Oksana Lekarev (2)


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CAH, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, CARES Foundation, What is CAH